To finalize your EV Code Signing certificate, your designated contact for the organization must complete an online Agreement or Approve the certificate request.
The Agreement or Approval step may be a little different depending on the Certificate Authority.
Comodo/Sectigo OV and EV Code Signing Subscriber Agreement
For OV and EV Code Signing certificates from Comodo/Sectigo, your admin contact will receive an email with a link to complete the Agreement online. We recommend completing the online Agreement as soon as possible.
Completing the online Agreement correctly fulfills the verification phone call step and can expedite certificate issuance.
DigiCert EV Code Signing Approval Email
For DigiCert EV Code Signing certificates, your organization contact will receive an email with instructions to Approve the certificate request. This email is typically sent after all other validation steps are completed.
After completing the authenticity call with DigiCert, check your email for the Approval email and follow the instructions to complete this step online.