Comodo/Sectigo Code Signing eToken Setup How to Setup Comodo/Sectigo Code Signing eToken After completing the enrollment and validation processes for your Code Signing certificate from...
DigiCert Code Signing eToken Setup These instructions cover the process for setting up your DigiCert Code Signing certificate on an existing SafeNet eToken. There are...
Code Signing Certificate Delivery Methods This article applies to Code Signing certificates purchased after May 14, 2023. Code Signing certificates are now required to be...
Sectigo – Luna Network Attached HSM v7.x This guide covers the attestation package submission for Luna Network Attached HSM v7.x for Sectigo Code Signing using the Install...
Sectigo – YubiKey 5 FIPS HSM Certificate Installation This guide covers the code signing installation process for YubiKey 5 FIPS HSM devices. You must have generated your code...
Sectigo – YubiKey 5 FIPS Series CSR and Attestation This guide includes instructions for completing your code signing order using the Install on Existing HSM method, specifically for the...
Preventing Locked Code Signing eTokens When you purchase a Code Signing hardware token from a Certificate Authority, you’ll receive a SafeNet USB eToken that has...