Domain Validation

Domain Validation SSL certificates are the most basic of the three types of SSL/TLS certificates. While Organization Validation and Extended Validation require multiple steps in which the Certificate Authority vets the company or organization applying for the certificate, Domain Validation takes just a single step. You only need to prove that you have ownership over the domain(s) that you’re requesting on the SSL certificate. The available options for proving domain ownership are listed below.

Please be aware that the following methods are the only ways to prove domain ownership. If you are not able to perform any of the below operations, then you will not be able to receive your SSL certificate from the certificate authority.

Fortunately, these methods only take minutes to complete, are simple to do, and we’ll be here to help you every step of the way!

Options for Completing Domain Validation

Email Verification:

To use this verification method, you will need to have access to any of the pre-approved email addresses listed below OR any email address listed on your domain’s public WHOIS directory. If you are unsure of what is listed on your domain’s WHOIS, contact your domain registrar for assistance.

ONLY the below email addresses OR any public WHOIS email address can be used for email-based verification.


Please Note: The certificate authority’s system must be able to automatically pull data from your website’s WHOIS record. Due to data privacy laws in the EU, many domain registrars have redacted or removed all user registrant data from being publicly accessible. Please check with your domain registrar to see if your WHOIS details are still publicly visible via their website. If your WHOIS record cannot publicly display your contact email address, it may not be used for Domain Validation.

For Troubleshooting steps for Email Validation, see our support article here.

HTTP/HTTPS File Verification:

To use this verification method you will need to create 2 new sub-folders on your public directory for every domain you are requesting and then place a unique file into the sub-folders. Access to your hosting control panel or your server will be required to make these changes.

For step-by-step instructions on how to complete this step, please see our support article here.

File-based validation concerning Wildcard SSL certificates

File-based validation is no longer allowed for wildcard domains. Email and DNS will still be permitted for wildcards.

Fully qualified domain names (FQDNS) and sub-domains that are not wildcard domains can still be validated by file authentication via the exact domain name. Please note sub-domains cannot be authenticated on the root domain.

DNS Verification:

To use this method, you will need to create a CNAME record (Sectigo/Comodo Products) or a TXT record (Digicert/Symantec/GeoTrust/Thawte/RapidSSL Products) within your DNS Manager and wait for it to propagate to the internet. This can take up to 24 hours to fully complete and is outside of our control. Access to your hosting control panel or your server will be required to make these changes.

For step-by-step instructions on how to complete this step, please see our support article here.

Next Steps:

If you’ve purchased a DV certificate, once you’ve gotten your domain ownership approved you’ll be receiving your certificate shortly and then you’ll be able to install your SSL on your server. For help installing your SSL Certificate, click here.

If you’ve purchased an OV or EV certificate, then you’ll need to proceed to your organization validation steps to receive your certificate files. For help with getting this done, please see our support article for OV Certificates here and our support article for EV Certificates here.

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