BIMI Certificate Cost: How Much Do Common & Verified Mark Certificates Cost?  

1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5 (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5, rated)

We’ll examine BIMI certificate costs by looking at Common and Verified Mark Certificate pricing to understand the bang you get for your buck… 

A Verified Mark Certificate is a digital certificate that allows you to display your company’s trademarked or government-claimed mark logo in the email sender field. This is great both in terms of increasing the brand recognition and email open rates of your communications.  

Research by RedSift and Entrust on the impacts of using brand avatars in emails show that the email open rates of leading brands in the United States and the United Kingdom by a whopping 21% and 39%, respectively.  

All of this is great, but as you likely know, something of value typically comes at a price. The same is true about a BIMI certificate’s cost, although we offer a 10% discount to lower the price of your Verified Mark Certificate (or, alternatively, your Common Mark Certificate).  

Get 10% Off Your New CMC or VMC Purchase 

To get a 10% discount on your next new Common or Verified Mark Certificate purchase, use one of the following promo codes (or click the link to add it to your cart automatically): 

Common Mark Certificate Promo Codes Verified Mark Certificate Promo Codes 
1-year certificate: CMC1save10  1-year certificate: VMC1save10  
2-Year certificate: CMC2save10  2-Year certificate: VMC2save10  
3-year certificate: CMC3save10  3-year certificate: VMC3save10  

How Much Does a BIMI Certificate Cost? CMC & VMC Pricing

When people typically talk about “BIMI certificate costs” (BIMI = Brand Indicators for Message Identification), they’re typically thinking about the cost of a specific type of Mark Certificate. A Mark Certificate is a small data file that comes in two varieties and allows you to display your brand’s logo in the sender field of emails in participating email clients.

Knowing this, let’s examine a BIMI Common Mark Certificate’s (CMC) cost compared to a VMC certificate’s cost.  

 Common Mark Certificate PricingVerified Mark Certificate Pricing 
Inbox Brand Recognition Displays your company’s logo upfront in Gmail users’ inboxes Displays your company’s logo upfront in users’ inboxes from major email service providers
Displays a Verified Checkmark in Gmail and Yahoo No Yes 
BIMI Certificate Cost Starting at $1,089/year Starting at $1,550/year 
Buy a Certificate Get a CMC Get a VMC 

Common Mark Certificate Pricing: How Much Does a CMC Cost?  

You can get a DigiCert Comon Mark Certificate for as low as $1,089 per year. That’s a little more than the daily cost of a medium hot coffee at a popular siren-branded coffee chain.  

So, what’s the benefit of using a CMC?  

  • Displays your branded logo in Gmail recipients’ inboxes and in the sender field of emails 
  • Requires no trademarks for your brand logo to get this type of certificate (i.e., it works with Prior Use or Modified Mark Logos) 
  • Displays your brand logo in the sender field of emails to Gmail users (for up to 250 sending domains using a single certificate) 
BIMI certificate cost: Screenshot examples of two emails displaying the sender companies' brand logos using a Common Mark Certificate
Image caption: Two examples of how CMC certificates display to Gmail email recipients on an iOS device using the Gmail app.  

Get 10% Off Your Purchase of a New Common Mark Certificate

Add your organization’s verified brand logo to your outbound emails without needing to have a trademarked logo.

Get 10% Off a 1-Year CMC


Verified Mark Certificate Pricing: How Much Does a VMC Cost? 

When it comes to a DigiCert Verified Mark Certificate’s cost, you can get one for as little as $1,550 per year, which equates to $129.16 per month or $4.25 per day. This means you can get a VMC for about the same as what the average American pays for basic home internet and mobile phone services (not including taxes and other fees tacked on by service providers).   

Wonder why a VMC certificate cost is higher than a Common Mark Certificate? Because it enables you to display a verified blue checkmark in Gmail and a green one in Yahoo:  

BIMI certificate cost: Screenshot examples of two emails displaying the sender companies' brand logos using a Verified Mark Certificate in Gmail and Yahoo.
Image caption: A set of screenshots that shows how the VMC verified checkmark looks in Gmail (left) and Yahoo (right). 

Now, let’s imagine it’s your brand’s logo in the examples above instead of CVS and New Balance. For many companies, $1,550 is virtually a splash in the marketing bucket when it comes to the amount you spend each year promoting your brand.  

However, as Gartner’s annual CMO report shows, marketing budgets have fallen over the past year (down from 9.1% to 7.7% of a company’s overall revenue in 2024). This underscores the importance of investing your hard-earned marketing dollars in ways that will earn the most ROI.  

What better way to do that than to invest in a Mark Certificate that can increase your email open and click-thru rates and build brand-based trust in your email communications? 

Get 10% Off Your Purchase of a New Verified Mark Certificate

Add a verified checkmark to your outbound emails using a VMC so recipients know they’re legitimate and can feel safe opening your messages.

Get 10% Off a 1-Year VMC

Ready to Take Your Email Open Rates to the Next Level? 

If you want to display your organization’s brand logo to increase email open rates and brand recall, using BIMI and a Common or Verified Mark Certificate is the way to go. But if you want to do it without paying full price, take advantage of one of our 10% coupon promo codes.

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