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In a move that aims to make all U.S. government websites more secure, the General Services Administration’s DotGov Program announces the migration of government domains to the HSTS preload list starting this fall
A quick look at what HSTS is and how to clear it on two of the most popular browsers. HSTS stands for HTTP Strict Transport Security, it’s a web security…
While more and more federal websites migrate to HTTPS, state and county websites are lagging behind We’ve watched closely as the US federal government has migrated its websites to HTTPS…
.app domains come pre-submitted to the HSTS Preload list Last year we wrote about Google adding 45 TLDs to the HSTS preload list, a move that effectively made them HTTPS-only….
HTTP Strict Transport Security will force secure connections on eligible domains On Monday morning, Facebook announced that it had upgraded its link structure to include HSTS preloading. This is great…
HTTP Strict Transport Security forces browsers to make secure HTTPS connections with websites. HTTP Strict Transport Security has been in the news a little bit lately thanks to Google’s decision…
All 45 TLDs that Google owns will automatically support HTTP Strict Transport Security. Google is continuing its push for universal encryption by requiring all 45 Top Level Domains (TLDs) under…
The Show’s Massive MiTM Attack Could Work – But These Security Measures Can Keep You Safe Minor Spoilers for Silicon Valley Season 4 Episode 9, “Hooli-Con.” This week’s Silicon Valley…
Google rolls out an advanced SSL configuration to their website, bolstering security. Late last week rolled out HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) across their domain. HSTS is an optional…
5 Ways to Determine if a Website is Fake, Fraudulent, or a Scam – 2018
in Hashing Out Cyber SecurityHow to Fix ‘ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR’ on Google Chrome
in Everything EncryptionRe-Hashed: How to Fix SSL Connection Errors on Android Phones
in Everything EncryptionCloud Security: 5 Serious Emerging Cloud Computing Threats to Avoid
in ssl certificatesThis is what happens when your SSL certificate expires
in Everything EncryptionRe-Hashed: Troubleshoot Firefox’s “Performing TLS Handshake” Message
in Hashing Out Cyber SecurityReport it Right: AMCA got hacked – Not Quest and LabCorp
in Hashing Out Cyber SecurityRe-Hashed: How to clear HSTS settings in Chrome and Firefox
in Everything EncryptionRe-Hashed: The Difference Between SHA-1, SHA-2 and SHA-256 Hash Algorithms
in Everything EncryptionThe Difference Between Root Certificates and Intermediate Certificates
in Everything EncryptionThe difference between Encryption, Hashing and Salting
in Everything EncryptionRe-Hashed: How To Disable Firefox Insecure Password Warnings
in Hashing Out Cyber SecurityCipher Suites: Ciphers, Algorithms and Negotiating Security Settings
in Everything EncryptionThe Ultimate Hacker Movies List for December 2020
in Hashing Out Cyber Security Monthly DigestAnatomy of a Scam: Work from home for Amazon
in Hashing Out Cyber SecurityThe Top 9 Cyber Security Threats That Will Ruin Your Day
in Hashing Out Cyber SecurityHow strong is 256-bit Encryption?
in Everything EncryptionRe-Hashed: How to Trust Manually Installed Root Certificates in iOS 10.3
in Everything EncryptionHow to View SSL Certificate Details in Chrome 56
in Industry LowdownA Call To Let’s Encrypt: Stop Issuing “PayPal” Certificates
in Industry Lowdown