Happy World Password Day! Celebrating a Momentous Holiday!
9 GIFs that sum up our love/hate relationship with passwords
It’s World Password Day today and the internet’s having a flood of articles telling you to make your password longer, thicker, broader, taller, stronger, bulkier, sturdier, muscular… that actually sounds a lot like my spam folder. Either way, there’s no shortage of articles today talking about good password hygiene and password best practices. But let’s be honest here, that’s boring.
You don’t need to be reminded and warned about your weak passwords today because that happens almost every day. Whether it’s that IT guy in the office, that nerd friend or your banking website; a single day doesn’t pass without getting reminded about weak passwords and their consequences. Let’s be honest here, as well-intentioned as they all are, they can (and do) become frustrating after a point.
Granted, passwords are critical in the precarious world of the internet, but you don’t need to tell me that every day. We deserve a breather, don’t we? So, here it is. Here’s a light-hearted take on our love-hate relationship with passwords, told in the language of millenials: GIFs.
1. When a site tells you that your username or password is wrong but doesn’t tell you which one:
2. When you tell your dumb password to the IT person in the office
3. When you type in your password couple of times, it shows incorrect and then you try to reset your password, but it shows “Your new password can’t be your old password”:
4. When you’ve entered incorrect password way too many times and you’re left with one last attempt.
5. When the password you thought was the password wasn’t and the password that you thought wasn’t the password turned out to be your password.
6. When your partner asks you Facebook password and you don’t know what to do.
7. When you read “a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z], a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z]. a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] and a minimum of 1 special character.”
8. When you manage to guess someone’s password
9. When you see your stupid old password. You to your younger self:
Happy World Password Day to all!
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