How to Become a Certificate Authority (Public vs Private)
Not sure how to become a certificate authority? We’ll break all of that down for you in addition to explaining the differences and uses of public and private CAs Trying…
Not sure how to become a certificate authority? We’ll break all of that down for you in addition to explaining the differences and uses of public and private CAs Trying…
Every time you visit a website that starts with HTTPS, you’re using a certificate authority. But what exactly is a CA and how does it make your transactions and communications more secure? Let’s hash it out.
Unpacking the serial number fiasco playing out in the digital certificate industry Last week, we discussed a developing situation where several major companies had to mass revoke millions of mis-issued…
Who is better equipped to assist in authenticating website identity than CAs? Google wants to kill the URL. That’s the headline from Wired. As Google Chrome turns 10 and looks…
Nation-state attackers will maintain their focus on keys and certificates 2018 looks to be a big year for cybercrime—at least judging by the trends. 2017 currently holds the distinction of…
Mozilla alleges PROCERT is not “adequately aware of the requirements placed upon them.” Mozilla has reached a decision to distrust PROCERT and to remove the CA from its root program…
The Venezuelan CA is facing myriad issues, and its response isn’t promising. Ever heard of PROCERT? If not, I don’t blame you. Until last month, I had not heard of…
A permanent resolution for Google & Mozilla browser issues is in sight. Back in October, DigiCert announced it would be acquiring Symantec’s “Website Security Solutions” division which is comprised of…
When it comes to HTTPS and Google, there’s a lot more at stake than just your safety Google is making a hard push towards universal encryption in 2017. In truth,…
Mozilla will make a final decision on Symantec in a week’s time. On Monday, Mozilla released a 10-page report. This report includes both an in-depth summary of the events and…
5 Ways to Determine if a Website is Fake, Fraudulent, or a Scam – 2018
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