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Phish Or No Phish

What does a phishing site look like? See if you can tell a real site from a fake one.

We all know phishing sites are out there, but how do you know if you’re on one? As cyber criminals are getting more sophisticated, it can be hard to tell.

In the world of Internet security, phishing is a crime of fraud, where cyber criminals create an entire Website or e-mail communication that masquerades as a trustworthy business or electronic communication in order to attempt to acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers.

Play the Phish or No Phish game.

See the tricks phishing sites employ online when you play Phish or No Fish. The game presents two Web sites, side-by-side, and asks you to identify which one is designed to be a phishing site. You’ll see 5 different phishing scenarios. Don’t worry about your score, which will be shown at the end, because if you get an answer right or wrong you can see why. Plus the idea is to learn how you can identify the most trustworthy sites out there – especially the ones with Extended Validation SSL Certificates. These ultra-secure sites display the green address bar EV, helping you spot a real site. You can go through the 5 scenarios again with the green bar present on what is designed to be the real site.

How Extended Validation SSL Certificates identify sites as secure.

An Extended Validation SSL Certificate displays a green nav bar to help site visitors know they can trust a site and can complete secure transactions with confidence. Having an EV SSL Certificate can give an organization a competitive edge, as site visitors will choose only to transact business and send communication with companies that have the green bars.

Companies can gain a competitive advantage in the world of e-commerce with an EV SSL certificate. High-profile brands, for example, use Extended Validation SSL as an effective defense against phishing scams. When site visitors see the green bar and the name of the company that issued the EV SSL certificate, they can feel comfortable and confident to interact and shop online.

Increase your e-commerce transactions and protect your Web site from phishing scams with Extended Validation SSL Certificates: